Longsite Market

03 Feb 2012

And so nothing happened, Greg and Matt finished their third year, and in the summer of 1991, Greg moved out of Manchester, and Matt moved into 42, Greville Street, Longsight where I lived with our mutual friend Dave. In that quite hot summer we decided we would do the band thing.

Matt borrowed a bass guitar from a friend in Nottingham for me, and we started to work out some of Matt's songs, and also write new songs together, in the front 'slug' room at Greville Street.  

To help me learn the bass parts (and the bass generally) we recorded these 'sessions' (sessions seems too strong a term musically), we slung a shure microphone over the light flex and it hung in the middle of the room, later we referred to this first session as the 'Longsite Market' session and the recordings you have heard so far are taken from this tape.

You may have noticed we didn't have a drummer.

All the Songs