The Twee Jewish Look

12 Aug 2012
Hand Knitted Mog Jumper and Twee Hasidic Jew Haircut

I had this haircut, I didn't think a photo of it existed, it was kind of like a hacked bob cut, where just the pointy bits remained and so I sort of looked a bit like a Hasidic Jew. I used to get my hair cut at Oliver San in Oldham street; and the next time I went in after the cut, my stylist said he'd had someone in saying they'd seen this guy round Manchester with this sort of weird twee-jewish haircut and they wanted theirs cut the same. It was a girl though. 

When I had this haircut, I was sometimes half-recognised in the city centre and people would stop and talk to me before realising I just worked in the pub they drank in.

The mog jumper was hand knitted for me, and was difficult to wash because it stretched bigger with every attempt, so Mog's tummy wasn't always this clean.

The song is a return to the clumsy twee janglings typical of the palatine road era; I remember thinking this was a bit rubbish at the time, a bit too twee, but I quite like it now.

All the Songs